Birth With Confidence!
Self-Study Course
Welcome! (7 min 28 sec)
What to Expect & Prepare to Succeed (23 min 26 sec)
Prep Week Checklist
2.1 Introduction (1:39)
2.2 Yoga as a time-tested method (4:38)
2.3 Preparing for Birth Your Way (4:43)
2.4 How Do You Know? (3:28)
2.5 On the Mat: Discovering the Chakras and Aligning your Body and Energy
2.6 Off the Mat: Writing Your Desire
2.7 Week 2 Affirmations
3.1 The Root Chakra--Laying the Foundation with a Home Practice (7.5 minutes)
3.1.1 The Root Chakra At a Glance (PDF)
3.2 On the Mat: 15-minute Grounding Sequence - Intro (4.5 minutes)
3.3 On the Mat: 15-minute Grounding Sequence (with Downloadable PDF)
3.4 Off the Mat: Fun Ways to Get Grounded During Pregnancy
3.5 Checklist: The 10 Keys to Getting Started With--And Sustaining--A Home Yoga Practice
3.6 Week 3 Affirmations
3.7 End Of Week Reflection
4.1 The Sacral Chakra--Releasing Fears and Opening to Pleasure
4.1.1 The Sacral Chakra At a Glance (PDF)
4.2 On the Mat: 15-minute Gentle Yoga Practice
Off the Mat: :Eliminating Energetic "Clutter" and Opening to Receive
Week 4 Affirmations
End of Week Reflection
5.1 Solar Plexus Chakra: Getting the Birth You Want
5.1.1 The Solar Plexus Chakra At a Glance
5.2 On the Mat: 15-minute Awakening Sequence
5.3 Off the Mat: Fact-Finding For Your Birth
5.4 Off the Mat (Bonus): Mandalas for Your Sacred Passage into Motherhood
5.5 Week 5 Affirmations
5.6 End of Week Reflection
6.1 The Heart Chakra: Birthing From Love
6.2.1 On the Mat: 19-minute Heart-opening Sequence
6.2.2 On the Mat: (Pranayama) Guided Breath Practices for Pregnancy and Birth (9 minute Audio)
6.3 Off the Mat: Extreme Self-Care for Pregnancy (and Postpartum)
6.4 Week 6: Affirmations for Pregnancy and Birth - Audio Recording (6 min)
6.5 End of Week Reflection
Overcome fears and anxieties. Prepare your mind, body, emotions and energy for your best birth.
Self-study course
You only need one to two hours each week for listening, practicing and completing the assignments. As you progress through the material, you will feel your confidence grow naturally and wholly.
Teachings and talks that blend the wisdom of ancient yoga tradition with important modern pregnancy and birth knowledge
A set of 15-minute "on the mat" yoga practice to embody the lesson
Multiple 7- to 10-minute guided breathing, meditation, visualization, and hypnobirthing audios to help you anchor in positive mind, body, and energy connections
A set of "off the mat" activities or actions to activate the teachings in your life and birth.
A new set of affirmations on the weekly theme to inspire your positive mindset
I wanted to let you know our baby boy was born this Monday morning at 7:48am!!! He was 41 weeks and a day when he arrived and I was able to have him VBAC with my doctor helping me during the pushing part on Monday morning. It was great, I felt like I was in control the whole time and I have to thank you, the program and the amount of information and education on the whole process!!! Laboring is a much more complex, personal and out-of-body experience than people really provide context on, and I feel so excited and happy to have spent the time learning and getting up to speed on the process, so much different out one from my first pregnancy :) Thank you for your guidance, the program, and giving me some context to go further with my practice--I do feel the course study, the yoga and chakra practices, the many park walks and meditation, the additional study on belly dancing for birth and the Ina Gaskin book were really essential to give me the confidence and optimism to try my hardest. -- Marinela
This was my third pregnancy and I was hoping to have a more positive birth experience compared to my first two deliveries. I was feeling anxious about how this delivery would go and I wanted to be more prepared to have a calm birth.
One of my primary concerns was pain management during labor. Nicole and the course taught me a few techniques that I was able to use during labor help manage my pain and feel more in control.
I had practiced yoga and taken a calm birth course for my first two pregnancies and both times I was very calm and composed during the initial labor. However, when it came time for the actual pushing, everything I learned sort of went out the window and I felt like I just couldn't do it. In the end, I tried to block out my birth experiences from the first 2 times after they were over. Part of me thought that this time would be no different even though I was taking the course. This course was different because I felt like I was training for birth. Instead of just hoping for the best, I actually trained my mind and body to prepare for birth.
I had my son last Friday at 11:42 am! I was able to achieve the birth I wanted and had him vaginally without an epidural! As you know in the 39th week of pregnancy I was considering changing obgyn's because I felt uneasy about my doctors'. I ended up switching on Wednesday after meeting the new doctor and feeling more comfortable and went into labor on Friday! I just wanted to let you know that if it wasn't for your course and support I don't know if I would have switched doctors despite feeling uncomfortable with my first doctor. Your support really made me take initiative and not accept the lack of attention from the doctor's office. Also the yoga breathing definitely got me through the contractions and visualizing the delivery over and over again. -- Michelle
There are very few people in life who can inspire us and I am proud to say that I had you as my friend/mentor and my yoga guru during the most difficult phase of my life. Many, many thanks. --Sushma